This document aims to highlight the rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence applications in the world of work to bridge the gap between supply and demand for skilled labour. It considers, among others, the findings of a recent OECD report on the subject and...
Vargas Zúñiga, Fernando
OIT/Cinterfor; OIT. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe
This document gathers experiences that are currently underway, mainly in public institutions in Latin America. The purpose of this compilation is to provide a general perspective of the context in which training and certification policies are set, as well as a detailed description of...
Guide for national discussion on training and certification services for caregivers in Latin America - 2023
OIT/Cinterfor; OIT. Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe
This guide is addressed to all institutions, organisations and individuals involved in the design and implementation of public policies aimed at improving care services: from those working at the macro level to promote transformative care policy packages - in which the human talent...
This document is part of the research agendas of both the ILO Regional Office and ILO/Cinterfor on digital skills, vocational training and the labour market integration of young people, particularly those in vulnerable conditions.It aims to contribute to generating knowledge and practical...
The following document, presented by the Director of ILO/Cinterfor, is composed of two parts:The Management Report for the period November 2021 - September 2023.The proposed Work Plan for the period 2024-2025.This report has been prepared for analysis and discussion during...
In recent years, since the emergence of a networked society based on the information economy, characterised by the growing weight of science, technology and information in production, important challenges have been faced by vocational training organisations and professionals responsible...
In the current scenario of increasing and diversifying demand for skills, consolidating the progress achieved by vocational education and training systems and institutions, scaling up and ensuring sustainability requires reviewing strategic organisational aspects to increase the capacity...
Digital skills training in MSEs in Latin America and the Caribbean - ILO/Cinterfor Notes Nº 15 - 2022
Education for work and skills training have become increasingly important in the current context of global economic transformations, even more so with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has deepened this interest, focusing on the importance of acquiring digital skills as well as...
Velásquez, Mario
Concha, Ximena
This study, the product of a collaboration between ILO/Cinterfor (Inter-American Center for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training of the International Labor Organization), BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Training) of Germany and the European Union's Eurosocial program, aims...
Fernández Malo, Yésica
Vargas Zúñiga, Fernando
One of the main drivers for the economic and social development of a territory is its human capital, the importance of monitoring data and administrative records to diagnose the problems that affect labor dynamics, such as the barriers that prevent having high competitiveness,...
Billorou, Nina
Sandoya, Jimena
Gazzano, Cecilia
Whitelaw, Victoria
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Uruguay, the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP), the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Inter-American Center for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training (Cinterfor) are pleased to present this...
This report covers the period from November 2021 to November 2022. Its contents refer to the following points:The status of implementation of the approved work programme for the biennium 2022-2023.The progress, innovation and main results in the Centre's means of action and services....
Various documents from academic and institutional sources point out that the countries of the region are lagging significantly behind the developed world in terms of productivity, and that unless measures aimed at sustained improvement are implemented, it will be difficult for the region...
Graña, Gonzalo
ILO/Cinterfor has historically been characterised as a centre for knowledge management in the field of vocational training, in its most diverse themes and aspects. Apprenticeships is no exception.In what follows, some of the main initiatives carried out by ILO/...
New normal and vocational training. Contributions from the experience of four training institutions - 2022
This study, carried out by CAF and ILO/Cinterfor, seeks to characterise the processes of return to face-to-face training in four Vocational Training Institutions (VTIs) in the LAC region: the National Industrial Learning Service -SENAI- in Brazil, the National Learning Service -SENA...