Who are we?

Since 1963, the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training (Cinterfor) has been promoting management, collective construction of knowledge and South-South cooperation specially in issues related to the development of human resources.

ILO/Cinterfor is a technical service of the International Labour Organization, created in 1963 and established in Montevideo, Uruguay. Cinterfor responds to the needs of individuals, companies and countries, providing professional training and human resource development. Cinterfor coordinates a knowledge management network of institutions and organizations related to these issues.

What is ILO/Cinterfor's knowledge management platform?

The website was conceived since its creation, in 1998, as the main mechanism to disseminate, share, promote and articulate innovations, good practices and resources from the member institutions of the network.

This plataform offers access to:

  • updated information of member institutions,
  • highlighted pages on the most relevant aspects of vocational training,
  • knowledge banks: 
    • publications,
    • teaching resources,
    • good practices,
    • competency and profile standards, and
    • virtual learning and practice communities.

What are the advantages of being a member of the ILO/Cinterfor network?

  • Access to knowledge, innovations and successful experiences.
  • Articulation and permanent fluent communication with specialized vocational trianing institutions.
  • Continuing education and human resources development.
  • Participation in working and collaboration environments.
  • Access to advisory services, information and technical assistance.
  • Institutional visibility and participation in fairs, meetings and events of knowledge management and South-South cooperation.

What is the role of ILO/Cinterfor?

It active and permanently promotes and facilitates cooperation, coordination and exchanges among its member institutions and entities.

It facilitates dialogue among equals on issues at regional and global level; it helps to establish and strengthen links between its members.

It systematizes and shares knowledge and practices that are generated from this exchange and collaboration.

Which are the requirements to become a member of the network?

  • Express willingness to share all its knowledge and participate in the activities of the network, offering and creating collective knowledge.
  • Make a contribution in money which helps to finance the basic operation of the network.