Digital Maturity: development and application of a collaborative tool
In the current scenario of increasing and diversifying demand for skills, consolidating the progress achieved by vocational education and training systems and institutions, scaling up and ensuring sustainability requires reviewing strategic organisational aspects to increase the capacity for innovation, a process that will be enhanced if institutions manage to exploit the potential of digital technologies and content in an integrated way.
This tool is intended to support the creation of baselines on the digitisation of the institution and then applied at regular intervals to provide key inputs for action and improvement plans. Moreover, it should allow the assessment of all dimensions relevant to the digitisation process based on a conceptual framework that considers the three complementary factors: technology, people competences and process innovation.
This document presents the results of the work of all the focal points of the ILO/Cinterfor collaborative innovation project on digital maturity: this work has its origin in the adaptation by ILO/Cinterfor and SENAI National Department of the European Commission's SELFIE tool.