Qualifications frameworks
A National Qualifications Framework is a single, agreed instrument that brings together a set of qualifications, presenting them in an orderly manner by levels associated with different types of qualification, which can be regional, national and sectorial in scope.
The design of the framework usually envisages the ways in which an individual moves upwards or between different qualifications, as well as its mechanisms for managing and ensuring the quality of qualifications.
Some inputs about the development of national qualifications frameworks in the region, as well as in other parts of the world, are shared below.
- National qualifications frameworks: challenges in a globalised world. ILO/Cinterfor (only Spanish)
- Lessons learned: developing NQF at sectorial level in Colombia. UNDP
National qualifications framework - By country
- Brazil: National System of Professional Qualifications - 2012
- Decreto-Lei n.º 14/2017 - Brasil - Criação de um sistema de créditos
- Law No. 21.091 on Higher Education - Published in the Official Gazette on 29 May 2018
- Technical-professional qualifications framework in Chile - 2017
- Qualifications framework for training and labour certification. ChileValora
- Sectorial population. Technical-professional qualifications framework - 2017
- TPQF bridges with other qualifications frameworks - 2017
- Colombia's National Qualifications Framework
- Colombia's National Qualifications Framework - ICTs Sector - 2017
- The Certification of Labour Competence as a means of qualifying people. SENA
Costa Rica
- National Qualifications Framework for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Costa Rica. Presentation
- National Qualifications Framework Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Costa Rica. Version 2
- National Qualifications Framework Strategic Plan 2020-2025
- Executive Decree No. 39851 -MEP-MTSS
- Decree No. 40874-MEP-MTSS: Amendment to Decree No. 39851
- Support guide for professional qualifications. Functional Analysis Methodology
- Proposal for levels of competence for the national qualifications catalogue
- Resolution CI-SNCCP-002. Formation of the Interinstitutional Committee of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training
- Presentation of the NQF. SEP; CONOCER
- Current situation of the NQF from the point of view of upper secondary education
- Experience in the sugar cane agro-industry. STPS
- Panama's National Qualifications Framework 2019 - Technical cooperation agreement between ILO/Cinterfor and CAF in support of the Government of Panama
- NQF in Peru. MTPE
- Peru's National Qualifications Framework - ILO/Cinterfor and PMESUT Agreement 2019-2020
Dominican Republic
- National Qualifications Framework for Dominican Republic - 2015
- Presentation of the NQF - RD - 2017
- Challenges for vocational training in the process of recognition of work experience under the National Qualification Framework. INFOTEP
NQF Analytical inventory
Other resources
- National and regional qualifications frameworks. Overview prepared by Eduarda Castel-Branco
- National qualifications framework developments in Europe Analysis and overview 2015-16. CEDEFOP/UNESCO/ETF
- Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2017. Volume I: Thematic chapters. CEDEFOP/UNESCO/ETF
- Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2017. Volume II: National and regional cases. CEDEFOP/UNESCO/ETF
- Labour market impact of National Qualification Frameworks in six countries. ILO
- An introductory guide to national qualifications frameworks: Conceptual and practical issues for policy makers. ILO