Prospective studies

Occupational and technological prospective is based on the observation of the labour market and the analysis of social, economic and technological trends in order to assess vocational training needs and ensure that they are tailored to employment.

In fulfillment of its mission of developing a permanent community of learning and South-South Cooperation and thanks to the collaboration among the network's VTIs; SENAI and ILO/Cinterfor transferred the SENAI Prospective Model to several institutions.

In this site we share several studies that were produced during these processes,. In addition, others have been added that approach the subject from other perspectives.

Tapa del libro The feasibility of using big data in anticipating and matching skills needs
This publication collects together the contributions presented during the ILO workshop “Can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching?”, which took place on 19–20 September 2019 at ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Discussions during the workshop considered the...
ILO - International Labour Organization
This report builds on its predecessor, Skills for green jobs: A global view, published by the ILO in 2011. This new edition presents an expanded qualitative analysis, with coverage of several additional countries and regions.It is a ground-breaking piece of empirical research and...
Corbella, Teresa ; Mane, Ferran
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 5The importance of skills for individuals, enterprises and society as a whole is well accepted. Further, there is robust empirical evidence showing that skill gaps and skill shortages can be highly damaging. Timely...
Schomburg, Harald
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 6This guide provides a step-by-step introduction to the wide range of different tracer study approaches and offers practical proposals for the key questions on how a tracer study should be designed: which graduates...
Wilson, Rob ; Rašovec, Tomáš ; Kriechel, Ben ; Bakule, Martin ; Czesaná, Věra ; Havlíčková, Věra
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 2The guide emphasises a hands-on approach. It discusses the steps that need to be taken in foresighting and forecasting approaches. In this context, we do not only discuss issues of methodology but also of...
Perez Vizcaino, Pamela ; Valdés, Gloria Alina
Tourism is a key sector for the economy of the Dominican Republic. Last year revenues from this sector reached $ 638 million and 5 million 100 thousand tourists came to our country, becoming the first time the Dominican Republic received over 5 million tourists and...
Řihova, Hana
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 1This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. All the guides follow a common structure, although they vary in level of detail, technical content and case studies. The ETF,...
Wilson, Rob ; Řihova, Hana ; Tarjáni, Hajnalka
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 3This document is part of a wider set of guides developed jointly by Cedefop, the ETF, and the ILO. It sets out the advantages of following a sectoral approach. While the focus here is on presenting the case...
ILO Skills and Employability Department
The present guide builds on the previous research and practical application, and provides guidance on how to embark on the identification of current and anticipation of future skill needs for the green economy and green jobs. Intended primarily to assist researchers and analysts, the...
Andersen, Tine ; Feiler, Lizzi ; Schulz, Gregor
Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs. Volume 4This guide provides in-depth consideration of the role of employment service providers (public and private) in anticipation and matching. It is directed at employment policy-makers, managers and professionals...
