Barbados Vocational Training Board
Institución asociada

The Barbados Vocational Training Board is a Statutory Corporation of the Ministry of Labour and the Civil Service and was established under the Occupational Training Act, Cap.42.The Board offers training to the unemployed and persons already in the work-force through Skills Training, Evening, Apprenticeship and In-Plant Training programmes.The functions of the Board are:
- To take such steps as it considers necessary for improving the quality and efficiency of occupational training for apprentices and trainees;
- To protect and promote the welfare of apprentices and trainees;
- To take such measures as it considers necessary for ensuring that employers or classes of employers share in the costs of the apprenticeship or occupational training;
- To investigate, and where possible, settle any dispute or other matter arising out of a contract between an apprentice or a trainee or an employer that may be referred to the Board; and
- To perform such other functions relating to apprenticeship and other training as may be prescribed.
To be the occupational training institution of choice and to ensure that the nation is provided with a competitive and appropriately trained workforce.
The Barbados Vocational Training Board is a premier agency of social development which designs and delivers industry needs and empowers participants at any level of scholastic attainment to operate effectively in the market place, and which fulfils Government's Human Resource Development Policy.