Videoconference report: The role of vocational training in response to the Covid-19 crisis. March, 2020

This report contains the main exchanges and conclusions of the videoconference organized by ILO / Cinterfor on Thursday, March 26 to address the issue of vocational training and the Covid-19 crisis. It is the first of a series of videoconferences that have been planned as a tool to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences among ILO / Cinterfor member institutions facing the challenges that the impact of Covid-19 represents for professional training.
It was attended by 31 representatives from 22 vocational training institutions and two ministries of labor, from 16 countries. From the exchange achieved, it can be mentioned that the central tendencies are grouped around the following main ideas:
- The crisis has affected the face-to-face delivery of VT. Participating institutions have closed their delivery of classroom courses, as education has done, in compliance with national guidelines.
- Distance training or online training using each institution’s platforms emerges as the very first solution to keep participants in touch with their training content.
- Solutions are emerging to extend the coverage of virtual training and use Learning Management Systems (LMS) extensively.
- Some are opening up to the private learning platforms available, such as LinkedIn, others are promoting their own LMSs, in order to ensure the supply of the online training they contract with.
- Skills certification poses challenges in relation to evaluation and gathering evidence of performance, and how this could be done remotely.fil