Education for work programme: new connections. SENAC-SP Brazil

Alcance geográfico: 
Fecha ejecución inicio: 
Fecha ejecución fin: 

Contribute to the inclusion of socially disadvantaged youth through skills development that expand the possibilities of entering the world of work, income generation and participation in society.

Población objetivo: 

Socially disadvantaged young people from 14 to 21 years, enrolled in elementary school.


The Education for Work Programme - New Connections aims to meet a new society that is drawn - the knowledge society -, thus it focuses on active social participation, in entrepreneurial attitude and in possibilities of virtual and face to face connections as possibilities to get a place in society and in the world of work.

It pays attention to skills planning and adopts autonomous and participatory actions, the construction of knowledge, the development of systemic thinking and the role of youth in their educational process.

Three work plans should be mentioned: The first directed to improvements in the community; the second to the elaboration of a professional or business plan and the creation of a blog.

Young people are motivated to participate in forums, to be in a democratic space for sharing ideas and knowledge, to enable the practical application of skills developed during the programme. In addition to further contacts with different professionals and social actors, resulting in greater security for future operations and expansion of the network of relationships and opportunities for inclusion

Factores clave: 
  • Successful educational methodology in promoting socially disadvantaged youth.
  • Constant updating of content to ensure issues and subjects relevant and appropriate to the current situation in each class.
  • Local development and network methodology - alternative tools for participatory organization of work and society, present throughout the programme.
  • Scope: it can be developed directly in the communities.
  • Benefits added: beyond the youngsters, it involves families, businesses and community organizations and agents.
  • Contribute to local development.


  • The programme obtains one of the highest rates of youth entering the world of work- 57%.
  • 76% of them being absorbed in the formal market-has contributed to effective and lasting changes in the lives of young people who come to appreciate more studies.
  • Entrepreneurial approach is present in the young people everyday attitude.
  • In 12 years, more than 50,000 young people trained throughout the state of São Paulo.
  • Ethical and citizen attitude is something assimilated as a concept and ideas.
  • Young people believe the Programme is responsible for their changes, related to self-esteem, self-confidence, initiative and prospects for personal and professional development.
  • The programme improved family relationships and friendships, making them more cooperative, interactive and harmonious.
Own resources from the investment companies and partner organizations
Información de contacto: 
SENAC-SP Rua Doutor Vila Nova, 228 - 7º andar Vila Buarque, São Paulo CEP 01222-903 Tel.: 0800 883 2000